Join Pastor William Boekestein each week as he tackles questions pertinent to Christian living and current events. By pulling from the Bible and sound theological texts, Pastor Boekestein thoughtfully encourages Christians on their journey of edification. You can submit your questions by clicking here, or click button below to page through the Good Question archives.
Each week, Pastor Boekestein gives an expository video providing context and insight on the Psalms. These are great for devotional use, edification, and expanding your knowledge of the beautifully raw book of Psalms.
The Belgic Confession is among the best historic statements of the faith of the Reformed churches. Evangelical believers would do well to acquaint themselves with this Confession, taking note especially of the difficult circumstances of persecution within which it was written. Sealed with the blood of many martyrs, this sturdy testimony to the Gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace in Christ continues to express for many the “living faith of the dead” (Jaroslav Pelikan). -Cornelis Venema - Ligonier Ministries
We meet at 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM each Lord’s Day. Our services are about one hour.
Yes. Your children are warmly invited to our Sunday school program each week from 10:45 to 11:45 following our morning worship service. There is adult Sunday school at that same time. We also have programs for 8yo through 8th grade girls and boys: Kingdom Seekers and Cadets. These typically meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 6:30–8 September through May. There is also a class for younger children at that same time.
Reformed churches are Christian congregations that are committed to God’s holy, inerrant, and infallible word, that affirm the historic Christian creeds, and find their place in the theological tradition of the sixteenth century reformations. Immanuel Fellowship Church affirms that the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort are faithful summaries of Scripture and helpful for the Christian life. You can read more about our beliefs on the About page.
Christians “hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering” and “stir up one another to love and good works (Heb. 10:24) partly by “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some. In fact, as the day of Jesus’ return nears the encouragement we derive from public worship is all the more important (25).
First, that you are wanted here! Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey we look forward to meeting you. There is no dress code (business casual is common but we have folks who are both more and less formal than that) and no prerequisites. The service is about an hour and you won’t be put on the spot in any way. So we welcome you to experience the presence of God and start getting to know some of the people God is working on at our church.
Of course. We'd love to listen. Our pastor would be happy to talk to you and we also have a pastoral counselor on retainer. We're available to help! Reach out by clicking the "connect with Immanuel" button to the right.
committed to the Word of God, the Reformed Confessions, historic worship, genuine fellowship, and faithful outreach to our community and world.
to advance the kingdom of God in all areas of life through Biblical worship, Gospel proclamation, and true Christian fellowship.